About Me!

Update August 2016:

Life is busy but I still love making special pieces for special people. If there is something you'd like please do send an e-mail to me at tanja.pearce@gmail.com and we can chat

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Adios Amigos!!!

I am officially on holiday WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!
I'll see you guys on the flipside!

Sadly I run on such an outdated version of Microsoft that I can't even set up an "Out of Office" on my e-mail account, so I apologise in advance if anyone e-mails me and doesn't realise I'm away. However there is a note on my website as well as at the top of this blog so hopefully I won't upset too many people!

Anyone wanting to enquire/order is still welcome to e-mail me during this time, and I will respond as soon as I can on my return!

Whatnots will be closed from the 18th - 28th November 2011, all orders placed and/or paid for during this time will only be processed from the 29th November and the 2 week turnover period will apply from then, unless otherwise discussed.

Other than that I've been a bit too busy to do much with my Blythes, although they have been marvellous company in the studio, very supportive and not critical in any way ;)

I did however get a few bits and bobs and thought I'd snap a few pics of them showing off some of their new shoe wardrobe!

Vanilla showing off her funky boots & tights
Vinter in a felt dress I made and some rocking boots!
Chocolate is casual in her knee highs & docs!
See you guys soon!!!!!!

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