About Me!

Update August 2016:

Life is busy but I still love making special pieces for special people. If there is something you'd like please do send an e-mail to me at tanja.pearce@gmail.com and we can chat

Saturday, November 20, 2010

An Order For a Friend

I finished an order for a friend I'd dearly like to meet face to face one day.
I'll be sending it off to her shortly so I hope it arrives safe and sound and she's pleased with it.

Other than that you must forgive me for my erratic posting, it's a very busy time of year between weddings, Christmas parties, visiting family from the UK, not to mention the kids & work...so things are just crazeee!!!!

I'm hoping to be able to breathe again closer to Christmas :)


  1. i am SO excited about these tanja!
    they're perfect.

    i can't wait to get them!
